Stats & Stories

Malaria Cases Treated
Total Patients
Malaria Cases Treated
Malaria Cases Treated
Under 5s Treated
Under 5s Treated
Total money saved by patients
Total money saved by patients

Nurse Innocent

“She’d just had a miscarriage, lost a lot of blood and was not responding. I gave 2 litres of IV saline and she woke up. Her family managed to get her on a motorcycle to the hospital, where she got blood and she is now OK.”

Pwunu Dyang

Nurse Otim

“Anena had been seizing for over 15 minutes when her parents carried her in. I injected diazepam and was relieved to see the seizure stop. She used to have seizures every week, but now we’ve started her on anti-epilepsy tablets she hasn’t had a seizure for over a month.”


Nurse Stella

“This month we treated 5 children for severe malaria. The nearest health facility which can give injections is 15km away so I don’t know what they would have done if we were not here.”


OneDay everyone in sub-Saharan Africa will have access to high quality primary healthcare. 

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